High Definition HD over Coax Security Cameras
HD over coax technology started to appear in 2016. This new technology enables users to get megapixel High Definition images over existing coax cables. This is a very useful technology in that it allows existing camera system infrastruture to be used in updating camera images to the latest 1080P and 4k resolutions. Using the existing wiring in a building is a huge time and cost savings procedure for our clients.
These High Definition (HD) over coax systems, like all camera systems we sell, are viewable remotely via computer or smart phone if they are put onto your network.
Another new technology that HD over Coax allows is the ability to use both IP Cameras and HD over Coax cameras on a single system. The name given to this type of system is Tribrid, although you will also see it sometimes mentioned as Hybrid. Tribrid systems give users the flexibility to use HD over Coax for the existing cable infrastructure while transitioning new wire runs to the newer IP technology. The image below is showing you a mix of IP and HD over Coax hardware we recently used on an installation in Atlanta, GA.